Lecture & Discussion (on Zoom)

Please join us this Sunday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm for our monthly Lecture and Discussion series. This month Sr. Sharifa Vernice Meytung will present "Crystal Clear Meditation". Do you have some colorful crystals perhaps laying…

PBA Hybrid Silent Retreat with Peter Nichols: “Being Zen”

Plymouth Meeting Friends 2150 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA, United States

Join us for the first 2023 hybrid silent retreat, "Being Zen", with Zen Teacher Peter Nichols, at Plymouth Friends Meeting or on Zoom. The detailed schedule of the retreat and zoom link will be provided…

Lecture & Discussion (on Zoom)

Please join us from 7:30pm to 9:00pm for our monthly Lecture and Discussion series. This month Professor David Carpenter from the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at Saint Joseph's University will present “the Seven…