Date Speaker Subject
March 8th Bob Koller Why do We Mediate?
April 19th Gail Zivin Getting a Teacher (note that the 2nd Sunday is Easter, so the lecture & discussion is scheduled for the 19th)
February 9 David Carpenter The Life of the Buddha
January 12 Pat Abrahams The Four Noble Truths
November 10 Bob Koller The Three Jewels
October 13 Robin Carr Personal Transformation Through Dharma
September 8 Pat Abrahams The Buddhist Concept of No Self
August 11, 2019 Gail Zivin and Bob Koller How do I find a teacher, or do I even need one?
July 14, 2019 Heidi Scheer Metta The practice of lovingkindness meditation
June 9, 2019 Bob Koller Zen: Instruction, Meditation, and Discussion
May 5, 2019 Pierce Salguero Buddhism and Healthcare in Philadelphia: Film Screening and Discussion of the “Jivaka Project”
March 10, 2019 Gail Zivin Just Be
April 14, 2019 David Kniffin Taking Refuge
February 10, 2019 David Kniffin Taking Refuge
January 13, 2019 David Carpenter The Four Noble Truths
December 9, 2018 Zachary Brown Karma and Rebirth
November 11, 2018 Robert Koller The Paradox of Meditation
October 14, 2018 Heidi Scheer The Eightfold Path
September 9, 2018 Gail Zivin Starting and Maintaining a Meditation Practice
August 12, 2018 Julianna Lipschitz The Buddha’s Teaching on Death and Dying
July 8, 2018 Gail Zivin What is Reality in Buddhism and in Our Lives
June 10, 2018 Robin Carr The Middle Way: Navigating Failure in Life
May 20, 2018 Pat Abrahams The Buddhist Concept of No Self
April 8, 2018 Bob Koller Taking the Precepts: A Zen Perspective
March 11, 2018 Curtis Key Yoga for Beginners
February 18, 2018 Pierce Salguero Varieties of Buddhist Healing in Multiethnic Philadelphia
January 14, 2018 Julianna Lipschitz The Life of the Buddha
December 10, 2017 Jan Clark-Levenson A Buddhist Laugh-In with Stories from Ajahn Brahm
November 12, 2017 David Kniffin Twenty Years of Meditation – the winding road to direct awakening
October 8, 2017 Melanie Galioto Yoga, Laughter, and Meditation
September 10, 2017 Pat Abrahams The Four Noble Truths
August 13, 2017 Zachary Brown Buddhist Ethics
July 16, 2017 Joanne Cacciatore Bearing the Unbearable: Love, Loss, and the Heartbreaking Path of Grief
June 11, 2017 Heidi Scheer The Eightfold Path
May 7, 2017 Bob Koller Advance Directives and Planning for the End of Life: Not Just for Buddhists
April 9, 2017 Gail Zivin Exploring No-Self and Awareness
March 12, 2017 Pat Abrahams The Four Noble Truths
February 12, 2017 Robin Carr Impermanence
January 8, 2017 David Carpenter The Five Hindrances and Meditation Practice
December 11, 2016 Zachary Brown The Life of the Buddha
November 13, 2016 Julianna Lipschutz The Practices of Arhats: Stories From the Dhammapada
October 9, 2016 Richard McKinney Karma
September 11, 2016 Pierce Salguero Buddhism and Health
August 14, 2016 Heidi Scheer Loving Kindness Meditation
July 10, 2016 Gail Zivin and Bob Koller Something Different: An Open Discussion on Your Meditation Practice
June 12, 2016 Robin Carr Exploring No Self: How Science Informs the Teachings
May 1, 2016 Julianna Lipschutz The Bodhisattva Ideal: The Essence of the Diamond Sutra
April 10, 2016 David Kniffin A Buddhist View of Depression
March 13, 2016 Bob Koller Personal Reflections on Prayer and My Life as a Religious Person
February 14, 2016 Susan Wagner Bodhisattva’s Way of Life by Shantideva: Selected Verses
January 10, 2016 Gail Zivin Spiritual Feeling in Our Practice, in Our Lives
December 13, 2015 Richard McKinney The Eightfold Path
November 8, 2015 Zachary Brown The Life of the Buddha
October 11, 2015 David Carpenter The Four Noble Truths

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16 North Bryn Mawr Avenue
PO Box 1355
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

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