Lecture and Discussion (on Zoom)

Please join us tonight from 7:30pm to 9:00pm for our monthly Lecture and Discussion series on Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided in the email announcement. If you are not signed up to receive…

Sunday Night Meditation on Zoom

Happy Mother's Day! Please be aware that due to the celebration of Mother's day, the monthly Lecture and Discussion program has been rescheduled to the next Sunday, May 21st. Nevertheless, we still offer virtual meditation…

Sunday Night Meditation on Zoom

Join us for our weekly (except for the Second Sunday for Lecture & Discussion) Sunday night virtual meditation on Zoom. The zoom link will be provided in the email announcement. If you are not signed…

Sunday Night In-Person Sitting Meditation

Join us for our monthly first Sunday night in-person meditation at Plymouth Meeting Friends. This is an opportunity to come together and sit in silent meditation. There will be two periods of sitting meditation with…