
Mailing Address
Philadelphia Buddhist Association
PO Box 11728
Philadelphia, PA 19101

Want to be on our mailing list?
The Philadelphia Buddhist Association would like to reduce the cost of printing and postage by taking better advantage of electronic means of delivery.

If you are agreeable to receiving our newsletter by email rather than hard copy by USPS, please fill out the form below.

As each new issue is posted, you would then receive an email message with a link to the PBA web site, where you will be able to read the issue and print a copy if you wish.

If you need to receive our newsletters by US Postal Service, send us an email with your full name, address, and zip and the words “by post” as the subject.

We do not share our mailing list with any other organization.

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Contact Us

Philadelphia Buddhist Association
16 North Bryn Mawr Avenue
PO Box 1355
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

Philadelphia Buddhist Association © 2025. All Rights Reserved.